Grace Tammile

Grace Tammile Coach Hi Im Grace Tammile i am a coach at Buildabody Upper Hutt, my passion is helping people become the best version of themselves through overall health consistency. I’ve been in the fitness industry since 2019. I got into it because I had always wanted to be in [...]

Ben Brooking

Ben Brooking Coach Hi, I’m Ben Brooking and I am a coach at BuildaBody Upper Hutt. I got into coaching and why I enjoy it is that it allows me to help people achieve their fitness and wellness goals. I received my certificate in 2016 to help me with my [...]

Jayden Carter

Jayden CARTER Co-Owner Jayden is a strength and conditioning coach, gym manager, and co-owner at Buildabody. He received his Diploma in Exercise Science from the Wellington Institute of Technology and has worked in the fitness industry since 2014.  Jayden has an extensive athletic background, with a particular interest in ball [...]